

Protocols supported

V2RaySocks supports five main types of protocols, all of which utilize TLS encryption to secure data transmission. Presently, data encrypted through this technology remains inaccessible for decryption by any individual or organization.

  • VMess

  • VLESS(reality only)

  • Shadowsocks

  • Trojan

  • Hysteria2

Supported functions

Frontend for client

  • Basic product information

  • Subscription link (Most clients)

  • Display remaining traffic and expiration time

  • Device(ip) limit

  • Speed limit

  • Reset UUID and subscription link

  • Announcement information

  • Multi-language support

  • Recent usage history

  • Latest client download function

V2RaySocks offers an API on the product details page, featuring product information, node list, client details, and recent usage records in JSON format. This facilitates the development of your customized product details page.


Frontend for admin

  • Node traffic statistics

  • Node traffic rate

  • Node online users

  • Node online time

  • Node status

  • Traffic reset

  • Assign node


XrayR (web_api with etag)


soga (db)

Last updated